

My favorite TV program

미나리 tea | 조회 2486 | 추천 16
  • 2018.02.23
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소


Hello, Hackers Diary.


I want to talk about my favorite Korean TV shows.

These days, I'm really into watching "어서와 한국은 처음이지?"(according to my translation : Welcome to Korea)

I like to see people from outside of Korea and experience Korean culture.

This program makes me think that 'oh, people could react that way what we do in  dairly lives.'


Also, I like to watch 효리네 민박(Hyory's bed and breakfast). I'm a big fan of Hyory.

I used to not care about her, but since I found out that she is an animal lover and carer, I really respect her and love her for passion. And the good thing about this program is giving me this feeling that I can RELAX my life and things can go slow..


But because of Olympics (especially short tracks, speed skating and curling) I missed the firtst a few parts of it.

Oh, well I may catch them up by looking up youtube or some other stuff.


Anyway, another day has started. And Let's go and do it! GO GO*^-----------^*

해커스잡, 해커스잡인강, 취업인강, 대기업취업, 인적성, 면접, 자소서, 무료인강, 취업인강환급반
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
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16417 today [1] 서현수 2223
16416 My ex's birthday [3] Loon 2383
16415 Choice [1] Mr. X 2142
16414 불량한 십대 커플 [1] 은하수지킴이 2249
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16412 Luncheon [3] Mr. X 2655
16411 영어 초보입니다. 많은 첨삭 부탁드립니다. [2] 왕룡 2761
16410 Another Polluted Day [1] Mr. X 2290
16409 영어 초보입니다. 처음 작문 해보는데 많이 막히네요. 도와주세요. [3] 영어화이팅 2465
16408 A Social Gathering [5] Mr. X 2644
16407 It's gonna be fine Jason 2315
16406 Dog Videos [2] Mr. X 2187
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16403 27.Dec.2018 [2] hahehiho 2463

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