

Hey, It has been so long maybe more than 4 months but It's okay

말탄정유라 | 조회 2303 | 추천 8
  • 2018.06.25
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
I used to write down the sentences here almost everyday back in the past; However, I stopped doing it because I had to concentrate on applying for a company to get a job in Korea. So, I could focus on it seriously and I could lean my efforts, but the result came out so sadly. I am pretty sure that all of you must know about what I am saying. By getting through all the steps, I could realize that so many people are trying to get a job at the same time which means job market is filled with lots of talent people who would be suitable very well to company. It is very competitive and I know I have to overcome and be the one who will be in the spotlight at the end. I am preparing for pulling a trigger for the next shoot and I am convinced that I would aim it precisely and make a shot. To be honest, all of my family members and friends are wishing me doing well in the future in the filed where I want to work, I know this is very lucky but I feel sometimes little bit burden from it. 

I talked too much today, thank you for your time.

Bye all.
기초영문법인강, 기초영어인강, 기초문법인강, 영문법인강, 영어공부혼자하기, 문법무료인강, 영어독학인강, 기초영문법강의, 기초영어강의, 기초문법강의, 영문법강의
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
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