
Elsa1106 | 조회 2917 | 추천 17
  • 2017.05.06
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

The boat which was carrying my parents had been capsized by high waves.


So I became the Queen of Arendelle.


Coronation was today.


I was nervous because I had never met someone else.


Unlike me, my sister was excited to meet people.


When I was young, I stayed in the room from morning till night.


So she had been lonely.


Then she engaged with prince Hans whom we just met in my coronation.


She asked for my consent to her marriage and I strongly opposed this.


Because I hate who comes to my palace.


So I argued with her because of her engagement.


She took my gloves off while we were fighting.


Eventually my magic was shown by her and people looked at me like a monster.


Finally I left the kingdom of Arendelle and went to the north mountain.


It was a hard day for me.


혹시 문법상 틀린부분이 있으면 꼭 말씀해 주세요!!^^

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