
mansu | 조회 4186 | 추천 5
  • 2016.09.01
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

today i played computer game. this game name is D&F. it isn't full name. i don't know how to write full name.

recently i got a chance in the event. i drank magic potion. it made my character grow up to level 83. before i drank this potion my level is about 53. so i played this game happily. actually first time. i got a confusion where i am go and grow my character. but during playing D&F i realized where am i go and grow my character. tomorrow it will be continued and this diary also continued forever.

번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
16362 This is my first engilsh diary. [1] Jenny 2084
16361 First memory [1] JM 2001
16360 I had a little bad dream, which was kind... [2] Indefatigable 2177
16359 Bad Habit [1] JM 2344
16358 today [1] 11 2169
16357 Happy Balloon [1] JM 2259
16356 Smell [1] JM 2473
16355 Humiliation [1] JM 3266
16354 Elsa's diary [1] Elsa1106 2920
16353 stduy [1] 11 3031
16352 Interesting book [1] JM 2948
16351 Coffeeholic [1] JM 3189
16350 Physiognomy [1] JM 3096
16349 [cat] The movie 'The Plan' (3) [1] cat 3188
16348 [cat] my sister (2) [1] cat 3130
16347 [cat] blind date (1) [2] cat 3334
16346 today [1] 11 3168
16345 High school life is so hard compared to ... [3] iad 3099
16344 2017.02.05 WED [1] Lucy 3666
16343 English is so hard [6] basicgg 4403

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