
Kloa | 조회 4171 | 추천 15
  • 2016.06.14
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
after today, i will write my dairy in our study group cafe. if you ask me that why are u going to write a diary?, the answer to the question has several parts. first, is is very helpful to write english everyday for learning english, and i love english .second, i like to challenge what i want to. Althought there are many grammar errors, and contextual errors in my writing, please overlook my mistake. these days, i'm working at 7eleven as a parttime-job from 10:00pm~to 7:00am. i have been working in here about 1month. i thought to my self " The task in here is very easy and comfortable. and i can have much time to study english or read many books kind of plilosophy which i like to learn. So i'm satisfied with my job. but i have some troubles in life like this. hmm..

first of all, i haven't any friends in Ansan. so i'm very lonely on the weekend. when i'm working in the convenience store, i work alone. so there are't any chance to make a friend.

and i have many troubles about my future. we can't predict the future. we can't speak the future as ours likes.

In the world of change, how can we predict, and speak the future?. it is very difficult. i think.

Of coure i have a utopia what i want to become. but whenever i challenge the task that i have to for the my utopia, it seems that this world continuouly lets me off the hook from my lovely present. yeah But some day, my troubles will fade away.

till then i have to challenge any tasks, and overcome many obstacles. ! today diary is over. haha.. it is very difficult.. to write diary in english.. thank you for reading my diary. Why don't we have a nice and cool day side by side?!
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
16362 This is my first engilsh diary. [1] Jenny 2078
16361 First memory [1] JM 1998
16360 I had a little bad dream, which was kind... [2] Indefatigable 2169
16359 Bad Habit [1] JM 2336
16358 today [1] 11 2160
16357 Happy Balloon [1] JM 2252
16356 Smell [1] JM 2469
16355 Humiliation [1] JM 3261
16354 Elsa's diary [1] Elsa1106 2915
16353 stduy [1] 11 3024
16352 Interesting book [1] JM 2939
16351 Coffeeholic [1] JM 3183
16350 Physiognomy [1] JM 3085
16349 [cat] The movie 'The Plan' (3) [1] cat 3182
16348 [cat] my sister (2) [1] cat 3125
16347 [cat] blind date (1) [2] cat 3327
16346 today [1] 11 3163
16345 High school life is so hard compared to ... [3] iad 3094
16344 2017.02.05 WED [1] Lucy 3658
16343 English is so hard [6] basicgg 4399

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