
영어표현 Q&A 이럴 땐 영어로 어떻게 표현할까? 궁금했던 표현을 묻고 답하는 게시판입니다.

해커스중학영어 내신만점패스

해석 어려운 문장 질문드려요!

영어공부중 | 조회 1075 | 추천 3
  • 2019.08.03
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소

Esperanza Miyake
I think it dissolves gender, race, all these things stop mattering. It's all about experience so car drivers, there's a lot about enjoying the internal space of the car, on the bike obviously there's no interiority. You're completely part of the exterior world. 

So what world are you in when travelling at speed on a motorbike? 

The external world. Because you are not inside a car your experience is completely different. On a bike you have no interiority. That's the experience of being inside - but I do have to say although that is a real word, it's not one I've ever heard or used before! 

No. Me neither. What she also says is that travelling at speed dissolves gender and race. It makes them less important. When you dissolve something you make it less strong. 

노란색으로 칠한 문장인데요! word를 어떻게 해석해야 할지 어려워서 질문드려요~

used before도 어떻게 해석해야 할지 어렵네요ㅠㅠ

아시는 분들의 답변을 기다리겠습니다~ 감사합니다!

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