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Radio's Place in the Digital Age

Access to information used to be relatively limited. People would have to go to special places to listen to the radio. But with the television and Internet as the main drivers of information today, what seemed to be a necessity has been tossed into the backseat to welcome more advanced forms of media. Due to the countless technological innovations, the importance of the radio is now being undermined and underestimated. However, no matter how fast the world is spinning, many people still turn to the radio for its timeless practicality.

Radio has secured a spot in advertisement since it is still one of the most affordable ways to advertise. TV time slot is more expensive because of the cost of the resources needed to produce a commercial. Radio is the best option for people or business owners who cannot afford to pay for a TV time slot. Moreover, the production of news, commercials, and advertisement is quicker. Because recording only requires audio, there is minimal editing required, unlike other forms of broadcast communication. Thus, the recorded audio can be aired and information dissemination can start right away.

Radio is a versatile media. It is perfect for a fast-paced environment and suitable for people on the go since it is now possible to tune-in through other electronic devices like smartphones and tablets. This allows people to multitask. Watching TV and surfing the Internet for information requires more time and attention. One will need to stop what he or she is doing to pay attention. However, people like cab drivers can listen to the radio while working. As a matter of fact, it remains to be the top in-car device for entertainment.

Moreover, during power outages, emergencies, or other crises, the radio has a battery back-up system that other electronic devices do not have, making it trusty and reliable.

With all the given benefits of the radio, it would be impossible to live in society without it. It is not only an instrument for entertainment but a tool for many people like firemen, journalists, police officers, and pilots to do their jobs. If radio is to be phased out, many jobs that depend on it will be negatively affected. DJs, news anchors, even recording artists will get affected, too. Regardless of technological advancements, there will always be a place for radio. It will always be integrated with different media platforms.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What kinds of media emerged after the radio?

2. How did the radio evolve?

3. What kind of jobs depend on radio?


relatively 상대적으로

undermine 약화시키다

underestimate 과소평가하다

dissemination 보급

on the go 매우 바쁘고 활동적인

trusty 믿을 수 있는

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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