
스피킹&오픽자료실 토익스피킹&OPIc 학습에 유용한 자료들을 공유하는 게시판입니다. 저작권에 위배되는 자료는 자제해주세요.


[4/19 토스] 해커스 Say Im 선생님 명쾌한 총평강의! 

스피킹총평 | 조회 7239 | 추천 25
  • 2015.04.19
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소




안녕하세요! 해커스 어학원 에서 TOEIC Speaking 을 강의하고 있는,
Say now!! Say Im 선생님입니다.

지금부터, 2015년 4 월19일 09시 30분 시험에 대한 토스총평을 함께 하도록 하겠습니다.


파트 1- Read a text aloud


Q1. 광고 (난이도 중) 
Construction site [빈출 – 건설 현장  (con•struc•tion) / 3음절 con과 ruc에 악센트]
Commuting [빈출 – 통근 commute + ing ]
Devices [빈출 – 장치, 기구 de-vice / 2음절 but devices~ s를 주의]
Shut down [빈출 – 멈추다 정지하다. shut을 짧게 읽음]
5th avenue [빈출 – fifth avenue 5번째 거리/ f 발음 주의 / 5번가 avenue에서 nue를 길게 읽음]
Space [빈출 – 공간,자리(주로 비어 있는 상태를 뜻함), s 발음 강조 읽기 ]
Recommend [빈출 – 추천하다, rec•om•mend 3음절]
Working Plan ↗, Road close down↗ and roundabout road ↘  [나열 구조 억양 가산점]


Q2. 소개 (난이도 중)


Please Welcome [빈출 – 환영합니다. ea를 길게 se는 z발음 / wel에 강세]
proud to [빈출 – 자랑스러워하는 ou를 길게/ 연음 d는 짧게 발음]
A world-renowned [빈출 –세계적으로 유명한(보통 사람을 지칭함, ex. a world-renowned cook)]
expertise [빈출 – 전문 지식, 기술 [|eksp3:r|ti:z]  se를 z 발음]
Culinary [빈출 – 요리[음식]의 / L 발음 주의 /  ex. culinary utensils 조리 기구]
similar with [빈출 – 와 비슷하다. si를 짧게 읽고 mil에 강세]
As soon as [빈출 – ~하자마자 ex. as soon as possible(ASAP) 가능한 빨리, 모음oo를 길게 ]
skillful ↗, intelligent ↗and creative↘  [나열 구조 억양 가산점]


KEY POINT 1 준비시간활용

각 45초 준비 ->20초 읽기 + 25초 파악 및 어려운 부분 대비
천천히 또박또박 읽기주의! + 억양 살려 읽기
나열구조 및 주요강세체크


1. 속도는?
2. 분위기는?
3. 중간에 실수하는 것?


KEY POINT 3 출제경향
공지문, 안내문, 광고문, 전화응답메시지 - 난이도 평이.

파트 2 Describe a picture
1. 종류 – 공원 <난이도 - 중>
2. 준비시간 30초간 요점정리

[인트로] Park
[인물묘사] playing, singing, standing, enjoying, sitting
[장소묘사] canopy, microphone, speaker, trees, chairs
[결론느낌] pleasant day, afternoon


Sample Answer
[인트로] This photo was taken at the park. The first thing that catches my eye is some people performing on the stage! 
In the background of this picture, there are four men wearing casual clothes, and they are playing various musical instruments,
such as the guitar, cello, congas and keyboard. One man who has a beard is playing the guitar in the middle of the stage, and he is singing at the same time, so he seems to be a main vocal! And, to see their play, many people are sitting on the chairs, in front of the performing stage, and a little baby girl dancing on the right looks so cute!
[장소묘사] Well, the stage is under the white canopy, and there are many electronic devices such as speakers and microphones. Also, I see some trees in the distance.
[결론느낌] Generally, it appears that it’s a pleasant afternoon; people are enjoying free time outdoors.

KEY POINT 1 준비시간 활용
30초 준비 -> 탬플 순서에 따른 아이디어 및 키워드정리

1. 중간에 실수 하는것?
2. 말문이 막혔을 때
3. 주인공 단어 모를 때

KEY POINT 3 출제경향
인물 +야외, 도서관, 실내, 사무실, 길거리, 식당, 판매점-> 쉬운 빈출 항상레디!
유적지, 해변, 공사장, 부두, 도시 -> 지옥템 미리준비
파트 3 Respond to Questions
1. 주제– 교통관련 주제  <난이도 중상>

2. 예문

I go to the fitness center twice a week with my brother. My brother and I are trying to lose weight these days, so we signed up for the fitness center nearby my home.

I usually exercise in the evening because my work finishes at 5pm. I get a lot of stress at work, so the exercise helps me relieve stress, and I can recharge my energy!

When deciding a fitness center, the 00 are important.
First of all, if they have many programs, I wouldn’t get bored with exercising every day.
Also, having many programs shows that the fitness cares about their members, and it is operated more efficiently.
For example, last year, I joined a fitness center near my house. I was really looking forward to join a yoga program. But, there was only one yoga class offered in the morning. Of course, I couldn’t join the class, since my work finished at 6pm. All I could do was running on the treadmill, that made me so bored, and I finally canceled the membership. That’s it!

KEY POINT 1 준비시간 없음을 이겨내기
문제 보고 답변 바로 하는 노하우


1. 순발력 기르기
2. 단어가 생각이 안날 때
3. 아이디어 기계 가 되는법


KEY POINT 3 출제경향
빈출  – 현재 삶과 관련 - 친구, 여가생활. 쇼핑, 음식, 가족, 공부, 활동, 물건, 여행, 교통, 사회활동
전자기기 [인터넷, 모바일폰, SNS, 카메라] + 과거 [초딩,중딩,대딩] = 불멸빈출

파트 4 Respond to Questions using information provided
유형 분석
1. 주제– “일정표”  < 난이도 중>

2. 예문

Q7. when / what time (하)
The 00 will be held on 날짜, starting at 몇시 ( + 장소 말해도됨)


Q8. Is there ? and is it free? (하)
Actually the admission is free for 00, but non-members should pay 00 dollars to attend the event!


Q9. All? (중)
There are two 00s throughout the art week.
The topic of first tour is _________________________, it will be given by 누구 at 몇시 before the lunch break.
And the other one will be held in the afternoon, and it is about ________________________. The presenter for this session is 00,
and it is scheduled at 몇시.


KEY POINT 1 준비시간활용
30초 준비 -> 표를 효과적으로 읽기


1. 순발력 기르기
2. Quantity 가 아닌 Quality한 연습방법
3. 순간 말이 막힐 때!


KEY POINT 3 출제경향
①     일정표
②     면접 + 이력서
③     [예약, 가격표, 광고문, 여행일정, 주문서]

파트 5 Propose a solution (10번)
1. 주제– “업무 관련 조언” <난이도 중상>
2. 진행바로보기


Template의 구조/활용:
도입부:  Hello B, this is Say, returning your call. How are you?
안녕하세요 B, 당신의 전화에 응답하는 누구 입니다.


문제점 확인: I just listened to your message and I understand that
방금 당신의 메시지를 듣고 문제점은 ~라고 이해했습니다.


Basic: You need my help. [no!no!]
(LEVEL 7) Intermediate: You are looking for a way to make employees volunteer in the community, because the president recently emphasized the importance of our social responsibility! (LEVEL 7)
Advanced: You are looking for a way to make employees volunteer in the community, because the president recently emphasized the importance of our social responsibility, and employees do not seem to be aware of it!


+ Oh I don’t think it is a hard issue
I will give you some tips! <메모!>
해결책을 제시하는 연결문장으로: So I suggest… I will… 나는 ~을 제안/제시/권합니다.

Basic: Why don’t you provide a printed guideline to all of the employees in the company? (빈.약)
(LEVEL 7) Intermediate: Why don’t you provide a printed guideline to all of the employees in the company? It’s likely that they already know what they should be doing, but you can still call attention to the volunteer work. That way, they will be reminded of it. Secondly, you can also take disciplinary action; announce that employees are required to do 40 hours of volunteer work a year. If not, it would bring a negative impact on their promotions.

(LEVEL 8) Advanced: Why don’t you provide a printed guideline to all of the employees in the company? It’s likely that they already know what they should be doing, but you can still call attention to the volunteer work. That way, they will be reminded of it. Secondly, you can also take disciplinary action; announce that employees are required to do 40 hours of volunteer work a year. If not, it would bring a negative impact on their promotions. And my second suggestion is that you take the initiative, then employees would follow you.


해결책 추가 support :
I guess this is pretty good enough.
이정도면 충분하다고 생각해요.

끝인사 :
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, and let’s meet up soon.
만약 질문이 있다면 연락 주세요. 곧 만나요.

KEY POINT 1 준비시간활용
30초 준비 -> “문제인식” 내용 및 정확한 문장정리

1. LC 능력 기르기
2. 간략한 만점 직행 답안 만들기!
3. 순간 말이 막힐 때!

KEY POINT 3 출제경향
①     시설관리관련 [주차장부족, 인력부족, 건물시설관리미흡관련이슈]
②     회사생활 [업무대행 및 도움, 스케줄조정, 직원들에게알림, 상주기, 예산]
③     기타빈출 [장사관련조언, 트레이닝, 불만해결, 홍보행사아이디어, 기기파손해결]


파트 6 Express an opinion (11번)
1. <난이도 상 @.@>
2. 진행바로보기

I agree that the most important quality of a leader is good 00 skills for a couple of reasons. 
First of all, I think it is important that a good leader is able to solve problems. And the problems can be solved through communication easily, because he can get valuable ideas from employees, or from other sources.
To be specific, even a leader who is really skillful at his work does not always know how to solve problems, especially when dealing with the business partners, so he cannot do his job successfully. A good leader must be able to work with other people, and that will benefit everyone. 
Secondly, a good leader who has good communication skill usually has an attractive personality, and if so, his employees would follow him more, and wouldn’t hesitate to express their opinions freely; it increases the level of satisfaction with their job. For example, my coach is funny, friendly, and kind to the players on my soccer team. Because of that, I respect him and listen carefully to what he has to say.  
For these reasons, I strongly believe that the 00 trumps all!

KEY POINT 1 준비시간 활용
15초 준비 -> 마음의 준비?


1. 아이디어전개 – 자신만의 노하우 준비
2. For example + On top of that 예시 장전 발사!


KEY POINT 3 출제경향
<주의 : 다양한 SPECTRUM>
①     단골토픽 – Internet, SNS, Children, Group, Working, Education, Company life, Hobby, Travel, Business.
②     지옥토픽 – Environment, Society, Health, Behavior, Culture
③     3가지 중 가장 ~~한 것 1택 <노하우 : 나머지2개 반박>

수고 하셨습니다 !
~ SAY NOW! Say Im ~


* 참고

토익스피킹이란? (개요 및 특징 보러가기)


토익스피킹 수강신청하러가기


토스, 한방에 끝내기!


실전 토익스피킹 학습하기



스피킹&오픽 자료실
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
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127 [토익스피킹] 토익 스피킹 필수 동사 200-제 4탄 [2] 짱구 5321
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121 [토익스피킹] 토익 스피킹 필수 동사 200-제 1탄 [2] 짱구 7814
120 [기타] [무료자료] 해커스 토익 보카 퀴즈 해토지기 20982
119 [기타] Step 8. 내가 좋아하는 식당 첨부파일 [6] 시리즈 8956
118 [기타] Step 7. 나의 이웃 첨부파일 [4] 시리즈 6185
117 [기타] Step 6. 우리 식구 첨부파일 [3] 시리즈 6922
116 [기타] Step 5. 우리집 첨부파일 [3] 시리즈 6282
115 [기타] Step 4. 우리회사 첨부파일 [5] 시리즈 5565
114 [기타] Step 3. 나의 회사 업무 첨부파일 [4] 시리즈 7204
113 [기타] Step 2. 나의 직업 첨부파일 [3] 시리즈 7918
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108 [기타] [1개월완성]챔프스터디 Speaking/OPIc 동영상강의 해토지기 9047
107 [기타] OPIC vs TOEIC Speaking [4] 비교분석 7447
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105 [토익스피킹] 토익스피킹 시험 요령 [4] 요령 19808
104 [오픽] OPIC의 기본 사진 기초정보 10978
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100 [오픽] [Opic] 시험전에 꼭 알아야 할 사항 오픽 10215
99 [기타] \"영어로 가설세우고 말할 수 있어야 세계무대의 주역\" 관련 기사 오픽 6022

해커스영어는 유익한 게시판 이용을 위해 아래와 같은 내용을 포함한 게시글/댓글의 등록을 금지합니다.

[게시판 이용 안내 및 권리침해신고 자세히 보기]

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