
토익문제 Q&A 어려운 토익 문제를 묻거나 함께 풀어보는 게시판입니다.

해커스어학원, 해커스토익, 토익강좌, 수강신청, 토익수강신청

아리까리한 문제들...

날으는거북이 | 조회 2075 | 추천 0
  • 2004.02.06
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
________ presents his ideas to the review board had better be well organized.

(a) Who

(b) He

(c) His

(d) Whoever

=> 문장 해석도 부탁드립니다.

During the rush hours, a policeman directs traffic at the intersaction and _______ there have been no accidents.

(a) as of now

(b) up until currently

(c) by the present

(d) so far

=> 분명히 d 는 아닌데... 나머지는 사전에서 찾지두 못하구 있음다... 사전이 꾸진건지... -_- 죈좡.

Our little dog, Sherry (a)(died in) (b)(consequence) of (c)(the veterinarian\'s) (d)(no) coming early.

=> b 에 the 가 와야되지 않나여? 아니믄. d 에 not 이 와야되나여?

(a)(Whereas) the fire (b)(had been), we saw (c)(nothing but) blackened (d)(ruins).

=> a 에 wherever 가 되야되죠? 근데...왜 이리 신뢰가 안 가는지... -_-a

All offers will be effective May,9 except for those that fill _______ due to resignations.

(a) vacant

(b) vacancy

(c) vacancies

(d) vacantly

=> b 아니믄. c 인데...resignations 가 복수루 나온거 보믄 c 일거 같구... vacancy가 uncountable 인가여?

The golf course is rated one of the most difficult _________ the professional tour.

(a) near

(b) at

(c) aside

(d) on

=> d 맞죠? b 맞죠? 긴가 민가 하지 않나여? ^^a

Since he spends so much time at the office, he never has time to exercise _____ he should.

(a) as

(b) that

(c) whom

(d) which

=> what 이 좋을거 같은데... 보기에는 음꾸... 관계 대명사를 써두 앞에서받아주는게 음스니... 어쩔수 없이 a ? -_=

The brave man (a)(from) Korea (b)(was rewarded) by the chief constable (c)(for) (d)(his saving) the child.

=> 다 맞는거 같은데...

As world population (a)(becomes) denser, we will (b)(feel greater pressure) from the (c)(expanding) number of people. Some scientists agree that we are approaching the limit of the number of people (d)(what) the earth can support adequately.

=> d 를 어찌 손 봐야될지...

This equipment is built ________ narrow specifications.

(a) as

(b) for

(c) according to

(d) about

=> c ? b ? a ? d ? -_-a 실성 mode ...

Because Oriental ideas of woman\'s subbordination to man prevailed in those days, she _____ meet with men on an equal basis.

(a) did dare not

(b) dared not

(c) dared not to

(d) did dare not to

=> dare 는 조동사로는 없던데... 옥스포드 영영 사전 참조.

(a)(Of) the three plants Amy (b)(had) in her apartment, only the ivy, which is (c)(the hardier), lived through (d)(the) winter.

=> the hardiest ?

The drive ______ is often seen in very small children.

(a) to succeed

(b) to success

(c) to succeeding

(d) for succeeding

=> 전치사의 to 일까요... to 부정사의 to 일까요? a 아니믄 b ..

The (a)(final decision) on (b)(where build) (c)(must) be made by (d)(directors).

=> build 를 바꿔야 할텐데... building 이 맞을지... built 가 맞을지...

The waiter (A)(made) a mess (B)(when) (C)(he fell) the plate (D)(on) the rug.

=> 감이 안 와요~~~

고수 님들의 어시스트 부탁드립니다. ^^ 복 받으세요~~~
토익문제 Q&A
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해커스어학원, 해커스토익, 토익강좌, 수강신청토익, 토익인강, 해커스 토익인강, 토익 0원, 토익 0원 프리패스, 0원 프리패스, 토익 시험, 취업, 해커스토익, 토익접수, 토익시험,