

Shine brilliant sun

ㄱㅂㄱ | 조회 2362 | 추천 10
  • 2020.08.25
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
I know thesedays we are having a hard time to study because of weather.
Besides, COVID19 the virus is spreading everywhere even if government notified to many that please take care of yourself to protect safety and their health.

But those situation ain't give you a shit and the world doesn't care of your life.

Only you can care of your life and will live just once.
So keep going for your goal no matter what are disturbing you.
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
16462 Lim's second diary [1] Lim 1892
16461 Lim's first diary. [1] Lim 1913
16460 first daily !! [1] penguin 1882
16459 today [2] seohyeonsue 2232
16458 It is my first time to write diary in En... 커니박야바 2264
16457 what a living in a life HAH 1989
16456 today [3] 서현수 2198
16455 Blackface Mr. X 2479
>> Shine brilliant sun [1] ㄱㅂㄱ 2363
16453 seohyeonsue [4] 서현수 2529
16452 english [1] 왕초보 2445
16451 hello [1] 영어왕초보 2258
16450 today seohyeonsue 2431
16449 hi everyone~ [4] SteaveLim 2554
16448 movie [2] 빡세 2537
16447 Ignorance or Arrogance? Mr. X 2356
16446 appearance [1] 빡세 2212
16445 Disappointing Mr. X 2170
16444 anything 빡세 2071
16443 running 빡세 2161

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[게시판 이용 안내 및 권리침해신고 자세히 보기]


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