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Big Sporting Event should be Held in Countries with High Standards of Living

Big sporting events are organized sports competitions featuring different sports. A good example of a big sporting event is the Olympic Games. Sporting events are usually held over the course of several days in a host city of a particular country.

Preparations for big sporting events like the Olympic Games are usually long and tedious. For instance, Brazil (the host of the 2016 Olympic Games) invested millions of dollars to improve their transportation system, facilities, and other infrastructure.

Because of the costly nature of preparing for big sporting events, many people suggest they should only be held in countries with high standards of living.

Supporters of this proposal say that countries with high living standards can guarantee that sporting events will also have high standards. Developed countries have the best hospitality, infrastructure, and facilities to accommodate a high influx of participants and tourists from different countries. Additionally, they can ensure everybody’ safety.

They add that big sporting events can be a financial burden to developing or struggling countries. Host countries need to make preparations for and invest in big sporting events. However, the amount of investment cannot guarantee sizable gains. Therefore, hosting big sporting events is a larger risk for developing countries than it is for countries with high standards of living.

Also, the pressure placed on developing countries can make the lives of their citizens harder because compromises need to be made to give way to tourists and sporting participants. For instance, the influx of tourists can cause heavy traffic which can affect not only the tourists but also the citizens and their daily routines.

Opponents of this proposal say that developing countries with average standard of living can have long-term benefits from the exposure that they get for hosting big sporting events. For instance, developing countries can showcase their culture, cuisine, and tourist destinations.

Moreover, big sporting events can encourage and challenge developing countries to push their limits and improve their infrastructure. A big sporting event is also a good chance for them to introduce themselves to the world. It is also a good investment.

Finally, big sporting events are avenues for talented athletes from around the world to compete. They are not a contest of who can provide the most luxurious accommodation. Also, it is good to have a variety of host countries rather than always conducting big sporting events in familiar countries that have high standards of living.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

Big sporting events are organized sports competitions featuring different sports. Because of the costly nature of preparing for big sporting events, many people suggest they should only be held in countries with high standards of living. Do you support this proposal?

1. Countries with high living standards can guarantee that sporting events will also have high standards.
2. Big sporting events can be a financial burden to developing or struggling countries.
3. The high pressure placed on developing countries can make the lives of their citizens harder.

1. Developing countries with average standard of living can have long-term benefits from the exposure.
2. Big sporting events can encourage and challenge developing countries to push their limits and improve their infrastructure.
3. Big sporting events are not contests that look for the country that can provide the most luxurious accommodation.


tedious 지루한 

infrastructure 사회 기반 시설 

sizable 꽤 많은 

compromise 절충안, 타협 

exposure 노출 

tourist destination 관광지 

talented 재능이 있는

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