

language connection

aaasd | 조회 3273 | 추천 0
  • 2015.11.13
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
i went to the cafe to communicate with others but i am not talked about anything because it is first time to me
and i don't know many foreign people. when i went to cafe Some of them seem to already know. so i was terrible tempure.
anyway i would not go to there again of course i need to speak english, i have one friend from canada. actually he isn't canadian
but he graduated middle school from canada. he is useful friends. but a few miniutes ago he promised with me after watching the movie and call his other friends he will go to karaoke with me but the promised have been canclled. and he went out with chinese friend. i think he speak english very well and fruently. i want to speak enlgish like him but it will be hard that reason, i was really disappointed. of coures it is not my fault but because we are friend i was disappointed. after few hours he will come back unitll then i will play computer game or watch the movies.

 ah. in the cafe. Sam(my friend) is staff of languge connection. so he helped people with setting the name of language that was square. and they started talking eachother. i set on the english table with four people. we started talking in english. i was a person who listen with other stroy.. one person who from austriia? he is 31 years old he is the brother. he talked a lot. another isforeinger. i don't know where he is from.they are talked eachother a lot but i cant listen their english actually. listening english is really boring things. but they dont' give me a chance to talk. some times they asked me question. but that all. acutally i don't have c ourage to say anything first haha. and i studyed english very hard so i think my korea language accuracy gradually reduce. just a few minitues my sister send me a message. it make me nurves. my father also send me a message he will come back to here. eat dinner with me i think my english is 콩글리쉬
해커스토익, 토익교재무료, 토익책무료, 토익문제집무료, 토익교재 무료배포
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
16302 Hello nice meet you [1] Andrew 2972
16301 The message. [1] Monkey 3196
16300 First time writing diary [3] Hellchosun 3058
16299 Very tired day. [1] joe 3421
16298 I'm tired.. [2] Monkey2 3254
16297 My first english diary. [1] Anne 2964
16296 school life [1] haip 3407
16295 last semester [1] crazy boy 3464
16294 english speech contest [1] 냐하하 3418
16293 nervous days. [1] bser 3368
>> language connection [2] aaasd 3273
16291 let's not think about the numbers [1] bandie 3320
16290 My friend's music perfomance [1] bser 3154
16289 weekend [2] bser 3137
16288 In the subway heading to house [5] bser 2965
16287 [영어일기유용표현] 영어일기쓰려다가 좋은 표현 있길래…공유!! [2] 영어일기어렵 5608
16286 lalala well... 3137
16285 study eunsoo1128 3126
16284 disaster!!!!!! [1] aaasd 3371
16283 home mansu 3138

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