

If you want to improve your English

Hana | 조회 2182 | 추천 0
  • 2018.02.07
  • 글꼴
  • 확대
  • 축소
Well. I was looking for some materials for my students and I found this website.
It is interesting that people share thier stories here and practice thier English. This reminds me of the time when I was learning English in Austraila. I wanted to improve my English skills so I kept my English diary everyday for a year while I was there. That was a great way not only to practice writing but also to learn new expressions or words that I usually use in a daily life. Keeping a diary really helped me and pushed me to use English everyday. After I came back from Australia, I became fluent in English. Then, I went to the U.S. to get a master degree in TESOL and I graduated.  Now I teach Enlgish and I don't really study English anymore but I just wanted to share my little story here to enoucrage learners to keep writing. My Austrailain English teacher said I was a great student  because I was not afraid of making mistakes and always tried to use English. I think he was totally right. I made lots of mistakes when I started learning it but I kept speaking and writing. That is why now I can speak and write without any propblem (not without any mistkaes) Anyway. I just felt like sharing this with people here who are trying to use English and improve it. Just want to tell you that if you want to imporve your Enlgish and if that is why you are writing diary here Then, you are on the right track. ;)    
번호 제목 글쓴이 조회수 날짜
16382 today 서현수 2149
16381 hi [2] 서현수 2300
16380 recently [2] 서현수 2421
16379 My favorite TV program [3] 미나리 tea 2527
16378 day 1 [2] mina 2491
16377 WOw [2] Wow 2153
16376 Life [2] Benny 2141
>> If you want to improve your English Hana 2182
16374 How's your monday going so far? tiredaf 2242
16373 My life [3] Benny 2190
16372 Role model Shin 2103
16371 My life Benny 1815
16370 Hi~ Hyewon 1744
16369 Wow!!I found it!! HJ 1830
16368 So here is 2018's first posting [1] hny 1921
16367 hi [2] mansu 1985
16366 First Diary [1] 수수 2140
16365 No Jam time [1] 828 2141
16364 body move [1] Jenny 2403
16363 wake up early [1] Jenny 2060

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