
매일 토익 LC 받아쓰기 어제 풀어본 LC문제를 받아쓰기와 쉐도잉을 하며 복습하세요!

2021. 05. 13 참여자수 : 214명
5초 후 스킵 가능합니다.
반복재생 속도 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5
M: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the annual neurological forum at Bayview Medical Center. We have a fantastic lineup of talks for you over the next couple of days. I’d like to , Dr. Joseph Mariano from the Hampton Brain Institute. He’s conducted more than 22 studies on ways that dementia impacts the brain’s ability to recall memories. Having focused on this area of research during medical school, in a journal and was blown away. He’s not easy to book, so we’re fortunate to have him with us today, even though another engagement. Now our forum president would like to say a few words.


본 자료는 해커스영어에서 제공했습니다.

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